17 August 2013


Blog Tour Schedule: A Little Too Far By: Lisa Desrochers

Hi Everyone! Today I have the tour schedule for author Lisa Desrochers "New Adult" title - A Little Too Far. There was TON of you who signed up and I tried to fit everyone in. Those who have been assigned a date should have received an email from me by now and if not, please be sure to check your spam folders or email feel free to email for additional details.

Monday, September 16th:

The Book Goddess - Review
Nick's Book Blog - Review
She Reads New Adult - Play List

Tuesday, September 17th:

Book Fixation - Review
Much Loved Books - Review
Brianna Lee Book Reviews - Excerpt/Teaser

Wednesday, September 18th:

A Walk on Words - Review
Book Loving Mom - Review
Imagine a World - Author Interview

Thursday, September 19th:

Princess Bookie - Review
i*Heart*BigBooks - Top 10 List

Friday, September 20th:

Under the Covers - Review
Brooke Blogs - Review
My Not So Vacant Shelf - Character Interview

Monday, September 23rd:

The Bookish Babe - Review
The Book Trollop - Review
Oops! I Read A Book Again - Guest Post

Tuesday, September 24th:

A Dream Within A Dream - Excerpt/Teaser

Wednesday, September 25th:

Rose's Book Blog - Review
Book Crushin - Character Casting

Thursday, September, 26th:

Book Lovin Mamas - Character Interview

Friday, September, 27th:

whirlwindbooks - Review
Whitley Abell - Review
Book Chic - Author Interview/Review

Title: A Little Too Far (A Little Too Far #1)
Author: Lisa Desrochers
Publisher: HarperCollins, (September 17th, 2013)
Add to: Goodreads
Pre-order here: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes

NOTE: This is a "New Adult" novel. Due to mature content this title is recommended for ages 17+

"More than a ridiculously sexy, HOT read, Desrochers takes you on a wild ride of self-discovery and bittersweet romance." —Jennifer L. Armentrout (J. Lynn), New York Times bestselling author of Wait for You.
Synopsis: Have you ever gone just a little too far?

Lexie Banks has.

Yep. She just had mind-blowing sex with her stepbrother. In her defense, she was on the rebound, and it’s more of a my-dad-happened-to-marry-a-woman-with-a-super-hot-son situation. But still, he’s been her best friend and confidant for better part of the last few years…and is so off limits. It’s a good thing she’s leaving in two days for a year abroad in Rome. But even thousands of miles away, Lexie can’t seem to escape trouble. Raised Catholic, she goes to Confession in hopes of alleviating some of her guilt…and maybe not burning in hell. Instead, she stumbles out of the confessional right into Alessandro Moretti, a young and very easy on the eyes deacon…only eight months away from becoming a priest. As Lexie and Alessandro grow closer, and when Alessandro’s signals start changing despite his vow of celibacy, she doesn’t know what to think. She’s torn between falling in love with the man she shouldn’t want and the man she can’t have. And she isn’t sure how she can live with herself either way.
If anyone has any questions, please email them over and I'll get back to you.

Thanks again to everyone who signed up and I'm really excited about the kick off of this tour!

FTC Disclaimer: I have NOT been compensated at all in any way or means for sharing this promotional post.

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Hi, I’m Lisa and I'm a proud bibliophile.

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